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Grade 12



Course Code 


About the Course

Course Outline

Students will continue their exploration of energy transformations and the forces that affect motion, and will investigate electrical, gravitational, and magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation. Students will also explore the wave nature of light, quantum mechanics, and special relativity. They will further develop their scientific investigation skills, learning, for example, how to analyse, qualitatively and quantitatively, data related to a variety of physics concepts and principles. Students will also consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.

Prerequisite: Physics, Grade 11, University Preparation


Module 1 Overview: Dynamics

Guiding Question:What makes objects move the way they do?

Motion is such an integral part of our daily life that we often take it for granted. It is a fundamental idea in science. From the earth moving around the earth to the people walking past us on the street, motion never stops. Mechanics is the study of the motion of objects and it is one of the most important topics in physics. The study of motion without considering the forces that cause it is called Kinematics. Dynamics is the branch of mechanics that deals with both motion and the forces that produce it. In this module, you will learn about motion in one and two dimensions as well as uniform circular motion.

Module 2 Overview: Energy And Momentum

Guiding Question:How can understanding energy and momentum improve our quality of life?

In this module, you will learn about the physics of work, energy, and momentum. You will have opportunities to carryout simulations, group discussions and mathematical problems solving to examine the principles of conservation of energy, momentum and analyze collisions. You will also continue to analyze motion using the concepts of energy and momentum. You will also learn how the principles of energy and momentum are used in the design of safety devices (such as airbags and helmets) and in the design of amusement park rides (such as roller coasters and swing rides).

Module 3 Overview: Field Forces

Guiding Question:How are forces exerted over a distance?

In this module, you will learn about field forces. More specifically, you will explore the concepts, principles and laws related gravitational, electrostatic and magnetic forces. Through simulations and experiments, you will investigate the similarity and differences between these forces as well as how they interact with matter. You will also learn how to solve problems related to these three forces. You will also learn about technologies that take advantage of gravitational, electric and magnetic fields; such as navigation systems, medical instruments, and space travel.

Module 4 Overview: The Wave Nature Of Light

Guiding Question:What factors affect the behavior of light?

In this module, you will analyze the wave nature of light. You will start with learning about waves through investigating the properties of water waves. You will then extend your knowledge to analyze light waves qualitatively and mathematically. Through simulations, you will also have the opportunity to visualize the patterns and behavior of light as well as confirm the experiments behind the wave nature of light. Technologies that depend on understanding the wave nature of light will also be explored. 

Module 5 Overview: Quantum Mechanics And Special Relativity

Guiding Question:What is reality?

In this module, you will be introduced to interesting phenomena related to modern physics. You will first explore Einstein’s theory of special relativity and how space and time are linked for objects moving at very high speed. You will learn the underlying theories and supporting evidence of special relativity, as well as its application in you daily life.  In quantum mechanics, you will analyze the development of a major revolution in physics and assess how it changed scientific thought and led to the development of various technologies. You will also be introduced to the various interpretations of quantum phenomena and current ongoing research in the field. Through thought experiments, simulations, and mathematical analysis, you will learn how to solve problems related to special relativity and quantum mechanics.


Assessment Breakdown

Course Work, Assignments, and Proctored Tests: 70%

Culminating Independent Study Project: 10%

Final Exam: 20%

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