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Grade 12



Course Code 


About the Course

Course Outline

Students will read a variety of informational, narrative, and graphic texts and will produce a variety of forms of writing, including summaries, information paragraphs, opinion pieces, and news reports. Students will also maintain and manage a portfolio containing a record of their reading experiences and samples of their writing.

Prerequisite: None


Module 1 Overview: Diagnostic Assessment

Guiding Question:Is reading an important skill?

In this module, you will learn and apply before, during, and after reading strategies.  This might seem a little unusual because we just read, right?  Not really.  Just like any other skill, when you examine the steps more closely, you can determine which areas require more practice or some new strategies.  You might even think that since you can already read there really isn’t much left to learn. However, even the best of the best still have a coach and trainer.  

Module 2 Overview: Reading For Meaning

Guiding Question:Why should reading matter to people?

In this module, you will review and enhance your reading skills. You will read a variety of texts, including informative, narrative, and graphic forms. You will learn to apply before, during, and after reading strategies, including specific strategies such as skimming and scanning. You will develop your skills in finding direct, indirect, and personal connection information as you answer questions related to teacher supplied materials. You will conclude the unit by writing a reflective journal on your reading skills development.

Module 3 Overview: Improving Your Writing

Guiding Question:How can following the writing process help me stay organized in my ideas?

In this module, you will learn how to write an information paragraph, a news report, and a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion. All of these will be based on a pathway you chose earlier. For each writing task, your teacher will provide you with formative feedback. You will learn about famous writers and their contributions to society and literature. Also, you will reflect on your own learning and progress after completing the polished copies of each of the writing pieces. Finally, you will store your polished work in your Portfolio for use in the course’s culminating task.

Module 4 Overview: Enhancing Your Reading Skills

Guiding Question:How can I expand my reading skills to understand more complex issues and short stories components?


In this module, you will examine and enhance your reading skills. You will read a variety of different texts – informational, graphic and narrative – and have opportunities to expand your existing reading strategies skills sets. You will engage in multimedia lessons to help you better understand complex issues such as symbolism in Canadian culture and short story components. You will read several different texts on different subjects and answer questions that require you to have knowledge of direct and indirect information, as well as the ability to make personal connections with what you read. You will conclude the module by reflecting on your own growth as a reader.

Module 5 Overview: Enhancing Your Writing Skills

Guiding Question:What questions can I ask myself to make my writing more clear? Am I explaining my ideas clearly?

In this module, you will review your writing skills for news reports and a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion. Additionally, you will learn how to write a summary. All of these will be based on the pathway you chose earlier. For each writing task, your teacher will provide you with formative feedback. You will learn about famous writers and their contributions to society and literature. Along the way, you will reflect on your own writing and learning.


Assessment Breakdown

Course Work and Assignments: 70%

Culminating Independent Study Project: 10%

Final Exam: 20%

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